Whirling Through Space

Quiet Purple Ones

Why Are You So Beautiful?

Adorable Garden

Here On Earth

Eve Woke Adam to Smell the Blossoms in the Moonlight

We Fell From the Sky

one cell, two cell, three cell, Ape

Cowboy Archetype

Hesitation on the Verge of Incarnation

Hesitation 2

Incarnation Here on Earth

Rockabye Baby

Dark Baby

Magical Child

There are no Miracles

If Only You Believe Like I Believe Baby*
*Jefferson Starship, Miracles

Even Grief is an Archetype

Grief is Everywhere


Mother/ Matter

Almost Out of Patience

Mother 2



Warrior Djuna Stops to Tie Shoelaces and Take Strength from Sword Ferns

Drunkard's Dream

Up on Cripple Creek *
* Robbie Robertson, the Band, Up on Cripple Creek

Drunkard's Dream 3

Maiden 1

Maiden 2

Maiden 3

Dark Maiden
It said:

Elder 1

Elder 2

Elder 3

Elder 4

Shadow Work 1

Shadow Work 2

Alchemy *
* Painting behind is Alchemical Sun by George Fertig

There is Treasure
circle, square, mandala
circle, square, mandala

Circle Square Mandala

Self Archetype

Even Fallen Human Can Find Self

Becoming Human -- Christ

The Noble Eight-Fold Path

Archetype of Transformation


The Path of Becoming Human

Evolve or Go Extinct.
The End